Sunday, November 15, 2009

Creating gitosis repository and adding users to projects

Cont from, Previous post

Adding new repo(gitosis.conf)

Administrator is the only authenticated user for this (In according to previous posts in my case it's janaka). First administrator can log to the server which runs git.First it is better to add the repository on the conf file. And you can add users for this repository.
janaka@versioncontrol~/gitosis-admin $ vi gitosis.conf

Your conf file look like this,

[group gitosis-admin]
writable = gitosis-admin
members = janaka@versioncontrol

Edit it and add new repo, Now it will looks like,

[group gitosis-admin]
writable = gitosis-admin
members = janaka@versioncontrol

[repo my_first_repo]
gitweb = no
description = This could be my first repo
owner = No one else thats me,
daemon = no

Creating a user group

Your conf file look like this,

[group gitosis-admin]
writable = gitosis-admin
members = janaka@versioncontrol

[repo my_first_repo]
gitweb = no
description = This could be my first repo
owner = No one else thats me,
daemon = no

Edit this file and add new group,


[group gitosis-admin]
writable = gitosis-admin
members = janaka@versioncontrol

[group my_users]
writable = my_first_repo
members = janaka@versioncontrol gituser1

[repo my_first_repo]
gitweb = no
description = This could be my first repo
owner = No one else thats me,
daemon = no

gituser1 is the newly added user, his key is named as on keydir/ directory.
Now you should add this changed gitosis.conf file and update gitosis-admin repository. You can do it by executing following commands.
janaka@versioncontrol~/gitosis-admin$ git add gitosis.conf
janaka@versioncontrol~/gitosis-admin$ git commit -m "Added new repo on conf file"
janaka@versioncontrol~/gitosis-admin$ git push

Then you can create the directory you want and create physical repository.

Creating new repository

Create a directory with naming it on your wish.
janaka@versioncontrol~$ mkdir my_first_repo
Now go into it, Don't forget to add some files before initialize this repo. Otherwise it will not be added as a repository,
janaka@versioncontrol/my_first_repo~$ touch readme
then follow the given commands to initialize the repository,
cd my_first_repo
git init
git remote add origin git@
git add .
git commit -m "Hai buddies, we added my_first_repo"
git push origin master:refs/heads/master the server which runs git on it. Now the new repository is created.
This is it, now gituser1 can use the my_first_repo repository. You can check on client machine,
git clone git@

On windows client side, If you'r only using command prompt, why don't you go for TortoiseGit to make life easier. TortoiseGit is a graphical tool to access git repository. Follow

"Graphical controls for Git windows clients"

link and study it.

1 comment:

  1. git --bare init
    is to initialize the repo object. You need not neccessaraly have files in the folder to make the folder a repository
